Apr 11, 2011

21st Century Education

To me the most important skills are obvious, don't be late, dress appropriately, finish your assignments on time. We learn to make it on schedule, we learn manners, and deadlines. Though over half of us ignore these things they're still there and we should take them seriously because after high school, we aren't going to be given an extra day or two from Mrs. Searcy to hand in our assignments. In high school I've been learning, what to me are the basic skills we need to make it anywhere higher than here.
The perfect school... What does that even mean? My perfect school would certainly have a carnival every year on the last day before summer, but in reality for future generations I would create a school that lets the students decide what they want to learn. One that would provide classes where they share what they already know to teach other. A school where the student can take a basic class of their interest. They would be allowed to sit on the floor if thats what made them comfortable and take a brake when their heads got sore from taking in all the information. When my head gets loaded in a matter of hours, I can't think straight until I sit down and take a break..
Next year I want to go to Texas and travel, though that's not what I'm doing. I'm taking a 22 week course here in Penticton so that I can get a decent job sooner. After that I will travel and decide from there where I'm going to go.

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